
Sunday, January 5, 2014

My 2014 Word

For the year 2013 and a few years before that I felt that my {joy} was taken from me. I do believe that the enemy is out to kill, steal, and destroy those who are trying to follow Christ. I feel I let the enemy win these past couple of years and he tried to kill, steal, and destroy my {joy}. With that being said my word for 2014 is {JOY}!

This New Year I have set a few goals that I would like to accomplish. I have always been one to start something and never finish it out. Like the 365 day photos, etc… What I am really hoping for is a hunger for the Lord like never before, reading His Word daily, praying daily, and to be more Christ-like.

Here are some of my goals:
1.  Reading the Word in 365 days with the Olive Tree Bible Study App. So far I’ve read Genesis 1-3, Matthew 1-3, Ezra 1-3, and Acts 1-3.
2.  Praying daily. There are times where I am so caught up with what I don’t have, problems in my life, and many other things that I don’t pray it all out. When I do I feel some peace and am able to go about my day.
3.  Journaling my daily thoughts, prayers, any verses I see that speak to my heart, and also bringing some of my journaling onto here, my blog.
4.  Wake up every morning right before hubby leaves for work to hand him over some breakfast and after he leaves it’s my time with my Savior.
5.  Being a better wife & mother. Tending to their needs a little more and staying away from social media while we are home or out as a family.
6.  After having my time with my Savior, my plan is to get ready as if I am going somewhere. {since I am a SAHM there are many days that I don’t want to even brush my teeth (being real now!)}
7.  Finish my Medical Transcription Certificate course. {finishing up my last course before my externship}
8.  Read at least 1 book a month. {Christian based}
9.  Learn to paint on canvas and not feel as if I am not good enough.
10.  Learn to budget better and save money.
11.  Try and stay organized.
12.  Begin a 365 day afghan. By the time this year is up I will have a HUGE afghan ;)
13.  BE {JOY}FUL at all times!

That’s all I have for right now. There is a lot more stirring in my head but these are the ones I actually had written down in December.  

What are some of your goals/resolutions/bucket list? Share them here!

“I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy.  Yes, your joy will overflow!” John 15:11

This verse stirred my heart. May my joy and your joy overflow in Jesus Christ name, Amen!


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