
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thankful Thursday

I am linking up today with Sarah at The Fontenot Four for the very first time today! ;)

I am thankful for:

*the ability to wake up each morning and thank Him for another day and go to Him in prayer

*to wake up next to my husband & my baby girl

*my marriage 

*to have a loving family and loving friends

*for our new home that is almost done

*for my brother-in-law & sister who have let us live with them for the past 10 months

*for my husbands job

*for our church family

*for the guidance as I plan out my very first Bible study on Infertility & Loss

*for the event coming up on September 14th in Katy, TX to remember all that have left this earth way too soon

*for those the Lord has placed in my path

*strength and peace

*for my sweet angel baby Nehemiah who has given me tremendous strength as a mother and has taught me to go out and be open about miscarriage/loss/grief/mourning/hope/be the voice

I can sit here all day and think of things that I am thankful for...

"My cup overflows with blessings."
Psalm 23:5b NLT

In Christ,

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

I know it's Wordless Wednesday, but I first have to say that this morning I felt as if I needed to just Praise Him. Thru all the obstacles in life we need to PRAISE HIM anyway... Not praise him just when life is good, praise HIM when life sucks! With that said....

                                  Credit of this photo:

In Memory of my cousin, Paul


::In Memory of Nehemiah::

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Check out my sweet::Sister in Christ::Emily J. Johnson Music

Sisterhood of Loss & Support